Bizstats.AI finds real answers from your business data Introducing natural language text and voice search
Bizstats converts your data to business opportunity.
Absolut-e Bizstats delivers a complete solution that takes from multiple data sets to brilliant Business Analytics.
BizStats Features
Fast big data solutions
Less time to Integrate big data .
Additional data sources
Collaborate external data with operational data.
Easy to fit your needs
Multiple input and output formats.
Auto Identification
Auto modelling of data, entities and relationships.
Useful business facts
Provides fresh business insights.
Identify special business events
Minimize the revenue impact.
Predefined multiple algorithms
Right algorithm for the right problem.
Predicative & statistical modelling
Predict and beat the competition.
and more...
No need to setup infrastructure, reduced Upfront time and cost.
Quick implementation, access to most of the data sources available in the market and with zero or minimal hardware requirement.
Answers your business questions instantly with visualized results